Summer Sale at repeople: stay at El Cabo Coliving in July & early August with special rates! (use code: “La Rama”)



(riːˈpiːpəl) VERB (transitive)
To people (an area) again, to provide a new population for.

The Problem

In the 17th century, the Industrial Revolution generated massive populations to migrate from farms to the cities in search of job opportunities. People came to the urban areas to work, earn more money, and try to improve their quality of life. 

Unfortunately many negative effects of the Industrial Revolution are still present 3 centuries later, such as overcrowded cities, poor living conditions, long commutes, gentrification, traffic and pollution which generate low quality of life for many people around the world.  

This video by The Economist is one of our favourites when it comes to diving into the socioeconomic impact of remote work in the local and global economies.

Our Why

We believe that remote work can generate a positive impact in our society. We are on a mission to repeople those communities that have suffered from “brain drain” for decades due to lack of job opportunities. We also believe that our society should be distributed more evenly, and that location, race, gender and status should not limit anyone from obtaining opportunities aligned with their talent and purpose. 

We know this challenge is massive, but we are ready to tackle it one step at a time. Our first goal is to repeople the Canary Islands by recovering the professionals we have lost over the last three decades, retaining our top talent by offering them the opportunities they deserve and attracting the world’s best talent to build a thriving ecosystem. 

Join Us

If you feel aligned with our mission, please join us and become an active member in our online community. We are passionately connecting remote work advocates worldwide and fueling the future of location flexible work.

Join us for our annual conference and our series of events year round.

If you wish to drive socio-economic change in your local community or want to learn how to benefit from remote work in your company, please check out how we can start collaborating together.

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